The cost of hidden sin is shame and exposure

English: Resurrection of Christ

English: Resurrection of Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The cost of hidden sin is shame and exposure.







Nahum 3:5

“Behold, I am against you,” says the LORD of hosts; “I will lift your skirts over your face, I will show the nations your nakedness, And the kingdoms your shame.”

In the last chapter of Nahum, God brings several charges against the city of Nineveh. One of these charges is their involvement in harlotry and sorcery. These two lifestyles thrive in the dark corners of society and desire to accomplish personal fulfilment with ungodliness. So what is God’s plan to punish those involved? He is simply going to expose their sinfulness to everyone.

In our own lives, I believe we fear this more than anything else. We fear the thought of being “found out”. Friend, God already knows our sins. There is nothing we can do to hide them from His perfect gaze, but there is good news. He desires to forgive us of those sins and all we need to do is be honest. When we come to God fully confessing our faults and failures to Him, He will wipe them away. On the other hand, if we try to hide our sins from Him, one day they will make it to the surface for all to see. Today, rather than hiding your sins, come to God, confess and watch as your burden is lifted. Experience the fresh forgiveness of your Heavenly Father.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You today to confess my sins to You. You tell me in the Bible that if I confess to You, You will wipe away all my sins and so I come this day asking for Your forgiveness. Continue to change my heart and make me more like Jesus. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen!

May the LORD bless Nigeria, American and Israel and take care of us; May the LORD make His face shine upon us, And be gracious to us; May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us, And give us peace, In Jesus Christ Name, we pray! Amen!

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