Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declarations For 2014. Winners Chapel Exceeding Grace 2014. Intercessory Prayer Guidelines And Prophetic Declarations For 2014 By Bishop David O. Oyedepo.

Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declarations For 2014. Winners Chapel Exceeding Grace 2014. Intercessory Prayer Guidelines And  Prophetic Declarations For 2014 By Bishop David O. Oyedepo.



“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance

of those things which were told her from the Lord.”-Luk 1:45

“For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.” –Luk 21: 15

“So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone………..and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”

-Eze 37:7-10

Therefore in line with the Exceeding Grace 2014 agenda, I declare prophetically as follows:

My Year of Divine Surprises.

1. The year 2014 shall be a year of divine surprises for me all the way through:

•A Surprise order of Breakthroughs-Gen. 26:12-14

•A Surprise order of Turnarounds-Psa. 126:1-3

• A Surprise order of Financial Fortune-Exo.12:36

•A Surprise order of Favours-Esther5:2/Neh. 2:5-8

2. It shall be said of me, “What manner of man / woman is this?”-Mk 4:41

3. It shall be said of my strides, “We have seen strange things today”- Lk 5:26

4. It shall be said of my exploits, “We have never seen it in this fashion”- Mk 2:12

5. It shall be a year of strange works and strange acts of God indeed-ls.28:21-22

6. In the year 2014, I shall become a surprise both to myself and the world around me.-1Sam 10:11-12

My Year of Divine Visitations.

7. It shall be a year of diverse divine visitations for me!-Gen21:1-6

8. The ears of men shall tingle at the strange acts of God in my life this year-1Sam 10:10-12

9. It shall be a year where the strange acts of God shall turn me into a surprise to my world!-Act 16:25-30

10. There shall be diverse overnight turnaround testimonies in my life throughout this year!-Ps 30:5-7

11. The things that eyes have not seen nor ears heard shall become the order of happenings in my life all through this year!-1Cor2:9

My Year of Supernatural Victory.

12. The end has finally come to all my struggles In life! -1Pet5:10

13. Whatever Jesus died for that is not traceable in my life shall be restored back to me this year!-2Pet1:3

14. Every resistance to my rising comes under a curse this year!-Zech 1:17-21

15. Every agent of the devil and every gang up of hell against my destiny comes under the judgement of heaven this year!-Is41:10-12

16. I am liberated from every hold of barrenness and I am now a fruitful vine-Deut 7:13-14

17. I am delivered from every form of marital spell this year! -Is68:6

18. I am liberated from every kind of career and business stagnation this year.-Ps1:1-3

19. Every generational curse, spell and enchantment is dropping off my life this year!-Num 23:20/23

20. Every spirit of infirmity tormenting my life is cursed right now. -Matt8:16

21. I am free from every hold of sickness and disease this year!-Matt 8:l-2

22. Whatever does not glorify God in my body, is cursed today!-1Cor6:20

23. By the blood of Jesus, I am free from every captivity of hell right now!-Rev12:11

24. Anyone that won’t let me go goes down for me this year!-Exo 4:22-23

25. Every age long ordeal in my life comes to an end right now!-Deut 28:59

26. Every planting of the devil in my body, in terms of sickness, diseases, pains, discomforts and afflictions is rooted out right now!-Matt15:13

27. I will never bury my children, grand children or great grand children!-Isa 65:20

28. Every attempt to cut short my life is destroyed today!-Ps 102:20

29. Every arrow of death shot in my direction returns back on the head of the sender!-ls43:4

My Year of Financial Fortune.

30. God is repositioning me for supernatural wealth this year!-Ps 66:12

31. I am emerging a testimony of financial fortune this year!-Mal 3:10

32. Everything is falling into place in my life this year and no one will ever ask me again, “Where is your God?”! -Ezek 20:9/14

33. I will see supernatural supplies the way I have never had it before!-Matt 17:26-27

34. The windows of heaven are open over my life all through this year!-Mal 3:10

35. Every step of my life from this time onward shall be wow!-Is 8:18

36. The devourer and destroyer is rebuked on my behalf today!-Mal 3:10

37. In my lifetime, my children shall be seating on thrones!-Ps112:1-3

38. The last financial stress I saw is the last I will ever see!-Pro 10:22

39. My sacrifices shall command supernatural returns after the order of Solomon this year-1Kg 3:1-3/13

My Year of Divine favour.

40. The favour of God is establishing my miracle marriage this year-Pro 18:22

41. The favour of God is granting me my miracle job with speed this year-Ps 34: 10

42. The favour of God is supernaturally enlarging my coast this year-Ps44:3

43. The favour of God is giving me my place in destiny this year-1Sam16:21-22

44. This year, God shall encompass me about with favour as with a shield-Ps 5:12

45. Yea, the time to favour me has finally come -Ps 102:13-15

My Year of Prophetic Release.

46. All through 2014, I shall be dancing and singing! -Ps30:11

47. Like a dream of the night, my business, career and profession shall explode into realms of inexplainable but undeniable breakthroughs!-Ps 126:1-3

48. Whatever God has spoken into my life for the year 2014, no devil can stop it, for they shall surely come to pass!-Is 14:24

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo













May God Bless Nigeria, America And Israel And Take Care Of Us; May God Make His Face Shine Upon Us, And Be Gracious To Us; May The Lord Lift Up His Countenance Upon Us, And Give Us Peace, In Jesus Christ Name, We Pray! Amen!


May The Grace The Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit Be With You All. Amen!





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