My Comforter

The Champion of the host above
And captain of my destiny
In you alone I make my boast
You reign alone as Lord of all!

Text: John 14:16-17 KJV — And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

*Introduction: By God’s grace the risks associated with Covid-19 have been downgraded with the reopening of churches, gyms, airports, hotels, etc.
My prayer is that the Comforter will comfort those that lost loved ones during this pandemic and also restore value to failed businesses, careers and missed opportunities!

Who Is This Comforter?
Our text in John 14:16-17 describes Him as the spirit of truth that will abide with us forever. Only those that believe in Jesus Christ shall receive the Comforter. See John 7:39. The Comforter is truly the Holy Spirit.

Are Troubled As A Result Of The Pandemic?
I have a word for you in 2 Corinthians 1:3. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also the Father of mercies is also the God of all comfort. He will comfort you on all sides and great shall be your peace.

Our Duty To One Another.

  1. The case of Job. In Job 2:7; the Lord allowed satan to afflict Job with sore boils. But in verse 11, three [3] of his friends came to comfort Job. The lesson; let us continue to extend a hand of fellowship to those in dire need; especially to our brethren and those of the household of faith. See Galatians 6:10.
  2. The case of King David: Let us emulate what David said in Psalm 23:4. No matter the situation, have faith and believe that God is with you. His rod and staff will comfort you.
    Remember, we are the sheep of His flock.
    Also, the Psalmist in Psalm 71:21 declared boldly, that the Lord shall increase our greatness and comfort us on every side. You can go ahead and make that declaration and it shall be established unto you.
    After Covid-19; our testimony shall be that the Lord had increased us greatly and enlarged our coast!
  3. In John 16:33; our Lord Jesus said, in Him we shall have peace as against tribulation in the world. We have every cause to be of good cheer; as He has overcome whatever the challenge before us. The lesson, have faith in the Comforter. Finally:
    We should take conscious steps not to grieve the Holy Spirit as advised in Ephesians 4:30. It is only then that the Comforter will abide with us and see us through whatever the challenge. God bless you! Prayer Points:
    a] In Isaiah 61:2c, He promised to comfort all those that mourn.

Father, please send comfort to those that lost loved ones.

b] Isaiah 49:16. We are all graven upon the palms of the Lord. Everything about us is before Him.

Father, please continually keep watch over me and my loved ones. Shield us from every evil and anxiety.

c] Psalm 71:21 KJV — Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Father, increase my greatness and comfort me on all sides.

d] Father, this week, do something for me that only you as God can do.

e] Father, send forth your mercy upon Nigeria. Let there be an economic turnaround [ 2 Kings 7:1] in our land!


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