Praise In The Prison Yard.

Praise In The Prison Yard.

Bible Text: Acts. 16:16-28

Definition of Praise: To Salute or complement a person.

Biblical meaning of praise is worshipping in a public place.

While Prison is a cage, an enclosure.

Prison can be physical or spiritual.

When you go through challenges, worship God in truth and in spirit, and the peace of God will envelop you.

– Chains will break and you’ll be set free.

-When Paul and Silas were in prison, they did not lose faith neither were they sorrowful, Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison.

-When you worship an Earthquake that will shake foundation occurs.


Prison time is not a dying time, it’s a time to fellowship with God.

Praise represents life, while Prison represents darkness, when the light of God shines, darkness cannot comprehend.

2nd Chronicles 20.

King Jehoshaphat and all Judah sort the Lord in prayers and worship and God fought their battles and gave them victory.


when you cannot sleep at Night, there’s a reason, get up and worship God, because a lot happens at Night.


– Praise gives us victory over our enemies when they gather against us.

-When we praise God, joy bubbles in us and brings peace.

-When we praise God, faith increases.

-When we praise God, we switch our problems to God.

-When we praise God, snares are destroyed.


-Father take over every situation in our lives in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

-Father! give rest to us and our children.

-Father! When our Children need help, answer them.

-Father! Heal the sick and provide new organs to those that need them.

-Father! Provide job opportunities, promote and elevate Your children Oh Lord.

Prayers For Nigeria.

– Thanksgiving prayers for Nigeria

-Father expose the killers and every one behind the killings in Nigeria.

Closing prayers.

Hosea 2: 18.

-Thank You Lord for all the testimonies in the Month of April.

-Thank You Lord for all You’ve done

Psalm 34.

I will thank the lord

Let your praise never seize in our mouths in Jesus mighty name amen.

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