Prayer Points For God’s Help To Fulfil Destiny

God! Jesus! God Loves Bummyla

Psalms_62-1: Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation Psalms_62-1: Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation

1.Thank You Father for creating me in your image and likeness.

2.Thank You Father for giving me dominion and authority over all that You have created.

3.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of Your glory, have mercy and forgive me.

4.Father, let every obstacle to my fruitfulness and multiplication be removed by Your power and mercy.

5.Father let my God- given dominion and authority, that satan and sin have taken away be restored to me in Jesus’ name.

6.Father, let the power to subdue and to replenish the earth, begin to manifest in my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.

7.Father, give me the power to stay under authority and to do Your perfect Will.

8.Father provide for me, to be able to cater and provide for my family, in Jesus’ name.

9.Father, empower me to live…

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