List the people you admire and look to for advice…

Daily writing prompt
List the people you admire and look to for advice…

We are all unique! What works for one may not work for you! So, I choose wisely!

Secondly, why run to flawed humans for advice when I can run to GOD Almighty the Creator of all humans!

Like my friends and I will always say “Advice is free, pick what works for you”

And for you to pick what works for you, you have to know yourself very well.

People are limited in the knowledge and experiences!

Some close friends, family members and associates do not want you to progress and be ahead of them, some of their advice come from a place of jealousy, envy, hurt, betrayal, etc

That is why we need to be able to identify the depth of their sincerity.

But I admire every body and can take advice from anybody

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