Love Never Fails

Marriage Day

Marriage Day (Photo credit: Fikra)

Love Never Fails

Charity [or love] never faileth.
1 Corinthians 13:8a

God‘s plan for man and woman and for preserving Christian marriage
relationships, in particular, is summed up in a single chapter of the
Bible, 1 Corinthians . When God talks about love, He’s talking about
agape love, the God-kind of love. This love never fails, which means
that there’s no time and no place when it won’t work. A man and a woman
who are citing “irreconcilable differences” as their reason for getting
a divorce don’t have any Word to stand on.

Love suffers long. Real love isn’t a sweet concoction that loses its
power after the first taste or two. The love that anchors marriages for
a lifetime goes way beyond the temporary psychological and biochemical
thrill we call “falling in love.”

Real love doesn’t fade just because wrinkles begin to gather around the
face and middle-age fat deposits begin to gather around the waist. It
lasts through the ravages of time. True love springs from the inner

Envy and pride have fractured the foundations of countless marriages
over the centuries. Rudeness also can create unbearable friction in a
marriage relationship. Love doesn’t have to have its own way. When you
have to have everything done your way in a marriage, you aren’t
extending love towards your spouse; you’re entangling your mate with

Prayer for Today

I worship You for loving me with agape love, unconditional love. I come
to You with an open heart, asking that Your Spirit empower me to love
others with the God-kind of love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Think on These Things

1 Corinthians 13:13
Galatians 5:6

May the LORD bless Nigeria, American and Israel and take care of us; May the LORD make His face shine upon us, And be gracious to us; May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us, And give us peace, In Jesus Christ Name, we pray! Amen!