Where is God?


Where is God? Today’s Truth Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of … Continue reading

I know that my Redeemer lives

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I know that my Redeemer liveth.

Job 19:25

The marrow of Job’s comfort lies in that little word “My”-“My Redeemer,” and in the fact that the Redeemer lives. Oh! To get hold of a living Christ. We must get a property in Him before we can enjoy Him. What is gold in the mine to me? Men are beggars in Peru, and beg their bread in California. It is gold in my purse which will satisfy my necessities, by purchasing the bread I need. So a Redeemer who does not redeem me, an avenger who will never stand up for my blood, of what avail were such? Rest not content until by faith you can say “Yes, I cast myself upon my living Lord; and He is mine.” It may be you hold Him with a feeble hand; you half think it presumption to say, “He lives as my Redeemer;” yet, remember if you have but faith as a grain of mustard seed, that little faith entitles you to say it. But there is also another word here, expressive of Job’s strong confidence, “I know.” To say, “I hope so, I trust so” is comfortable; and there are thousands in the fold of Jesus who hardly ever get much further. But to reach the essence of consolation you must say, “I know.” Ifs, buts, and perhapses, are sure murderers of peace and comfort. Doubts are dreary things in times of sorrow. Like wasps they sting the soul! If I have any suspicion that Christ is not mine, then there is vinegar mingled with the gall of death; but if I know that Jesus lives for me, then darkness is not dark: even the night is light about me. Surely if Job, in those ages before the coming and advent of Christ, could say, “I know,” we should not speak less positively. God forbid that our positiveness should be presumption. Let us see that our evidences are right, lest we build upon an ungrounded hope; and then let us not be satisfied with the mere foundation, for it is from the upper rooms that we get the widest prospect. A living Redeemer, truly mine, is joy unspeakable.

May GOD bless Nigeria, America and Israel and take care of us; May GOD make His face shine upon us, And be gracious to us; May the LORD lift up His countenance upon us, And give us peace, In Jesus Christ Name, we pray! Amen!

May the grace the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen!

God Rewards Humility.

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ...

Image via Wikipedia

Although men
look at the outward appearance, God looks on the heart. A humble man has
integrity, he has the wisdom of God and this is why God exalts him. The Bible
says,  “…….the wisdom that is from above
is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be willing to yield, full of
mercy and good fruits without partiality and
without hypocrisy” (James 3:17). Humility, therefore, does not mean
timidity or foolishness as some have assumed. It is maturity, and applying the
wisdom of God with all honesty. It is responding to the Word of God with a pure
and teachable heart.

It is
imperative to learn how to deny your flesh of its desires, and let the nature
of God dominate you. Jesus said, “he that taketh not his cross and followeth
after me, is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:38). When you humble yourself in the
sight of God, no matter how complicated your case may be, He will lift you up.
Job was described as a perfect and upright man, one who feared the Lord and
eschewed evil. He was famous for his wealth, but he lost everything; his
family, wealth and even health. Yet in spite of all these, the Bible noted
Job’s reaction as being without sin, neither did he charge God foolishly.

God has
given you every opportunity to express your love for Him. You might be looking
forward to experiencing a miracle, hoping that someday your heart’s desire
would be fulfilled. You might even be praying for a speedy one, not wanting to
wait as long as Joseph, Sarah, Elizabeth, Job or Jacob. When you look to God
for a miracle, trust His choice, and know that His timing is perfect. However,
there is a quality you must possess that will produce great results, a quality
that other will admire and be inspired by. That quality is humility.


Dear Heavenly Father, I
humble myself under your mighty hand. I receive your Word with meekness and
childlike faith, and I apply my heart to the wisdom that comes from above.
Thank You for the effect of Your Word in me as I exalt Your Word in my life, in
Jesus Christ Name, Amen!